Cannabis Writer / Enthusiast / Grow Expert

Alexander Broodryk

Alexander is a very skilled growing expert that has been writing and growing in the Cannabis Seed industry for over 5 years.  His knowledge in growing is very remarkable as he has managed many of the top warehouses throughout North America.

“Loving what you do is the biggest part of my success”

I have been growing for over 5 years now with some of the industry’s top growing experts.  Much has been learned over these years and I was able to become manager over some of the top growing facilities throughout Canada and the USA.  There are so many variables into growing great commercial products and small tweaks here and there is what really makes your project stand out with success.  You must have knowledge immediately for what is going on during your grow, so that you can mitigate issues and keep your plant growing at its full potential.  

My growing experiences have taken me many places and now it has taking me to writing and giving free education on Cannabis projects.  I have been writing and jotting down my projects for so many years I thought it would be good to show case my skills online.  After writing many years I have joined The Seed Fair team in helping them be able to educate and add many great content ideas for their library of information.  A lot of work and time has gone into many of these articles and we will continue to keep covering all the information and questions that many customers have in growing Cannabis Seeds.

How Deep Do You Start Marijuana Seeds?
how deep do you start marijuana seeds - featured image

Are you ready to start growing your own marijuana plants? Before you can start cultivating your own stash, you need to know the basics of successful seed germination. Whether you’re planting a crop or single seeds, an important factor that can greatly affect the growth of your cannabis plants is the depth at which you […]

Can A Clone Be A Mother Plant?
can a clone be a mother plant - featured image

Did you know that over 50% of cannabis growers use clones in their cultivation process? Cloning has become a popular method for cannabis growers to reproduce their favorite strains and maintain consistent genetics. However, have you ever wondered if a clone can be a mother plant? Can a plant that was once a clone itself, […]

Unraveling The Mystery: Marijuana Seeds Science
marijuana seed science - featured image

Are you curious about marijuana seeds science? Have you ever wondered what makes some strains produce higher yields than others, or why certain growth patterns are preferred for different uses? Unraveling the mystery of marijuana seed science can provide insight into these questions and more. Understanding the chemical makeup and genetics of marijuana seeds is […]

Growing Marijuana in Containers
Growing marijuana in containers - featured image

Worried you have little knowledge about growing marijuana in containers? Don’t worry, as this article has all the answers you need. Containers provide a practical way to care for your weed plant. You have the advantage of cultivating in a small space. It’s also a more controlled growing method, because you’re operating from one pot. […]

How to Grow Marijuana Indoors Without Smell | The Seed Fair
Grow Marijuana Indoors Without Smell

Do you want to learn how to grow marijuana indoors without smell? Marijuana’s pungent aroma is one of the challenges of cultivating it inside a building. As a grower, mastering odor-free cultivation is crucial. It allows you to grow weed plants without causing a nuisance and promotes the overall well-being of your crops. Ready to […]

Growing Marijuana Indoors: A Foolproof Guide
Growing Marijuana Indoors

Welcome to growing marijuana indoors: a foolproof guide! Take your seats as we break down all the intricate details you should know. Our guide covers the required equipment and explores the various growth stages. Find out how to troubleshoot common issues and discover what the law says about indoor cultivation. Let’s start. Understanding the cannabis […]

Temperature to Grow Marijuana
Marijuana plants growing under full spectrum LED lights

Are you curious about the best temperature to grow marijuana? Our guide provides comprehensive knowledge for cultivators seeking a perfect harvest. Temperature is a key factor in growing cannabis. It influences all aspects of a plant’s development. Ensuring your crop doesn’t get too hot or cold is essential for success. Ready to master environmental conditions […]

Growing Marijuana in a Greenhouse
Harvesting and curing your marijuana

Growing cannabis in a greenhouse is an excellent idea. This method combines the benefits of indoor and outdoor growing. Not sure where to begin? You’re in the right place. Keep reading to discover the many advantages of greenhouse cultivation. Learn about the different types of greenhouse structures and how to construct them. Understand the process […]

The Best Way to Start Marijuana Seeds
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Knowing the best way to start marijuana seeds gives your plants the best chance of success. Germination is a crucial part of the marijuana life cycle. It contributes to healthy root systems and solid structures. Cannabis seeds are living organisms that need care and ideal conditions. Getting them to sprout is easy to master if […]

How to Grow Marijuana at Home in 60 Days

Do you want to learn how to grow marijuana at home in 60 days? With our guide, it’s easier than you think. There are many benefits to cultivating cannabis indoors. You control the climate and can easily protect your plants from extreme weather conditions and pests. Read on to learn how to speed up the […]

How to Choose the Best Marijuana Seeds in 2024
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Are you seeking high-quality plants from the best marijuana seeds in 2023? The variety of available seeds is expanding as the cannabis industry booms. Choosing the right ones is crucial to achieving a successful harvest. They provide a better experience, whether you’re a seasoned grower or just starting. Join us as we dive into the […]

Where Does Marijuana Grow Wildly?
where does marijuana grow wildly - featured image

Humans have been cultivating the marijuana plant for thousands of years. It’s said to be native to Central and South Asia, and its use has been documented in ancient Chinese, Indian, and Persian texts. Where does marijuana grow in the wild today? Cannabis is one of the most widely used “drugs” in the world. Millions […]

The Optimal Soil pH for Cannabis Cultivation
A pH tester being used to check the acidity levels of water

Maintaining the optimal pH value for your cannabis plant impacts its overall health. Today, we’ll discuss everything you need to know to adjust the pH levels of your plants. The value influences whether roots absorb nutrients, develop, and produce large harvests. Finding the balance is the easiest way to get the most from your cannabis […]

Exotic Purple Strains: A Guide to Unique and Vibrant Purple Cannabis Varieties
close-up view of vibrant purple cannabis leaves, highlighted by the contrasting orange hair on weed that stands out amidst the richly colored foliage

Have you heard about exotic purple strains? These buds have dazzling violet hues, and they’re rising in popularity. The nugs have an aromatic scent and provide brilliant effects. Apart from their stunning appearance, these lilac strains are second-to-none. Their iconic sensations attract all members of the 420 community. Cannabis buds come in various colors, so […]

How to Transplant Cannabis Seedlings: A Comprehensive Step-by-Step Guide
germinating seed evolving into a cannabis plant, showcasing the early stage before learning how to transplant cannabis seedlings

Learning how to transplant cannabis seedlings is like playing a game of Jenga. It requires care, observation, and patience; but get it right, and you’ll win in the end. Unlike the game, though, there aren’t any do-overs. Young marijuana plants are delicate, and one wrong move could spell disaster. If you want to reap the […]

Cannabis Not Flowering: Identifying Causes and Solutions for Non-Flowering Plants
A striking image of a cannabis plant with vibrant purple leaves, still in its vegetative state, demonstrating cannabis not flowering yet.

Is your cannabis not flowering? Don’t panic and call yourself a lousy grower; it’s more common than you may think. There may be several reasons for this issue, from insufficient lighting to improper nutrient feeding or environmental stresses. Cannabis cultivation entails many intricate factors to determine success. Stay calm if your plants aren’t blooming yet. […]

Weed Seedlings Turning Yellow: Identifying Causes and Remedies for Yellowing Cannabis Seedlings
A thriving field of tall cannabis plants under a sunny blue sky, interspersed with a few weed seedlings turning yellow due to potential overwatering or nutrient deficiency.

Are your weed seedlings turning yellow? As a plant parent, it can be worrying when you spot drastic changes in your cannababies. The good news is most of the causes are treatable. Read on as we unpack the possible causes and treatment options for yellow cannabis. We’ll also give you tips to maintain the perfect […]

The Comprehensive Guide to Ditch Weed: History, Uses, and Misconceptions
Image of healthy Ditch weed, a type of cannabis growing outdoors in Madrid, Spain. The picture displays lush green plants with mature buds and visible seeds, thriving under the warm Spanish sun. The background is a typical rural landscape, adding to the natural ambiance.

Have you ever heard of ditch weed? It may not sound very appetizing, but this term is buzzing around the 420 world. Despite its unassuming name, this variant has a lot to offer. Many cannabis enthusiasts assume the plant is worthless, but that’s far from the truth. This cultivar has a fascinating history, range of […]

What Does Greened Out Mean?
What Does Greened Out Mean | Our Guide To Growing | The Seed Fair

Getting “greened out” is a rare reaction that results from high levels of THC, the primary psychoactive ingredient in cannabis. Nobody has ever died of a cannabis overdose, but paranoia and anxiety could combine to cause some unwanted side effects. The advent of marijuana legalization in several states means consumers have access to vastly superior […]

When Do Cannabis Plants Begin Flowering Outdoors?
When Does Flowering Start Outdoors Featured Image

Flowering in cannabis outdoor cultivation is a crucial stage. This period is when your plant develops buds and you start reaping the benefits of your hard work. Unlike indoor growing, it’s unnecessary to trigger the flowering stage when cultivating outdoors. Your weed enters this phase naturally once the right atmospheric conditions align. Outdoor cultivators need […]