The Seed Fair

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Marijuana Education

Can You Leave Buds On A Plant Too Long?
scissors trimming marijuana medical for leaving buds on a plant too long

Do you ever wonder if you can leave your buds on the plant for too long? The answer is yes, and it can have significant effects on the quality of your harvest. When you leave your buds on the plant for an extended period, the potency and flavor can deteriorate, resulting in an inferior product. […]

Can A Clone Be A Mother Plant?
can a clone be a mother plant - featured image

Did you know that over 50% of cannabis growers use clones in their cultivation process? Cloning has become a popular method for cannabis growers to reproduce their favorite strains and maintain consistent genetics. However, have you ever wondered if a clone can be a mother plant? Can a plant that was once a clone itself, […]

Can You Put Seeds Straight Into Soil? A Planting Guide
hand gently touching the baby plants that grew from seed straight into soil

Can you put seeds straight into soil? Many gardeners prefer to plant single cannabis seeds directly into soil, skipping the extra steps and equipment needed for seed-starting indoors. While some plants thrive when planted this way, others may struggle or fail altogether. Imagine you receive a pack of seeds as a gift from a friend. […]

Best Feminized Seeds For Growing Outdoors In Your Climate
best feminized seeds for growing outdoors

The best feminized seed for outdoor growing in your climate would need to be that seed that responds well to the local conditions of your climate. While some cannabis growers prefer to grow feminized seeds indoors, growing the right feminized seeds outdoors (in the right climate) could lead you to several opportunities and rewards you […]

What are feminized seeds and why do you need them?
the meaning of feminized seeds

Feminized seeds are a game-changing innovation in cannabis, giving home cultivators the best chance at growing bountiful weed plants. In this article, we’ll define what “feminized seed” means and how to grow feminized seeds. The game-changing benefits of feminized seeds Cannabis is a dioecious plant, which means that there are separate male and female plants. Female […]

Can a Female Plant Produce Seeds Without a Male
female marijuana plant produce seeds without a male

Ever wondered if your female marijuana plants could produce seeds without a male counterpart? Picture this: you’re caring for your female plants expecting to get some dense buds, and suddenly, seeds appear out of nowhere. No males in sight. It’s a puzzling phenomenon known as parthenogenesis, and there’s science behind the magic. We’ll explore how […]

How to make feminized seeds: five easy yet effective methods

Feminized seeds were a breakthrough in cannabis cultivation technology, making it easier than ever for cannabis cultivators to grow dank, resinous buds on hearty female plants. While you can buy feminized seeds online, experienced cultivators can also make them at home. There are a few different methods to feminize seeds, each with its own challenges […]

How to feminize seeds with colloidal silver
How to Make Feminized Seeds With Colloidal Silver

It’s a widely known fact that female plants can produce seeds without males, a process known as parthenogenesis. This biological phenomenon serves as the foundation for the production of feminized seeds, a popular choice among growers seeking consistent and reliable yields of female plants. When it comes to feminizing cannabis seeds, using colloidal silver solution […]

How to grow feminized seeds indoors: pointers and techniques

Almost everyone knows what feminized seeds are. In fact, some growers no longer buy feminized seeds; they make feminized seeds from scratch themselves. For many growers, feminized seeds are the seeds you want to grow to get a full canopy of cannabinoid-rich buds. Check out our poll where we asked 500 growers why they choose […]

Can You Over Grow Marijuana? | The Seed Fair
can you overgrow marijuana

Can you overgrow marijuana? It’s possible when attempting home cultivation with feminized, autoflowering, or exotic cannabis seeds. Overgrowth is a common problem that can lead to stunted growth, low yields, and poor-quality buds. What exactly is overgrowth, and how can you prevent it? It occurs when you give marijuana plants too much fertilizer or water […]

How Many Seeds Do You Put In One Hole? A Practical Approach
how many seeds do you put in one hole featured image

How many seeds do you put in one hole when planting your cannabis garden? There are various theories and opinions on the matter, with some suggesting that planting a handful of high or low THC seeds is always better, while others argue for a more precise approach. What’s the truth behind this question, and why […]

Feminized vs Regular Seeds: Understanding the Differences for Successful Growth
feminized seeds vs regular seeds

There are several different types of cannabis seeds on the market, and understanding the differences between them is vital for a successful home grow. If you want to know the difference between feminized seeds vs regular, you’re in the right place. What Are Feminized Seeds? Many new growers are stumped when asked “what are feminized […]

Unraveling The Mystery: Marijuana Seeds Science
marijuana seed science - featured image

Are you curious about marijuana seeds science? Have you ever wondered what makes some strains produce higher yields than others, or why certain growth patterns are preferred for different uses? Unraveling the mystery of marijuana seed science can provide insight into these questions and more. Understanding the chemical makeup and genetics of marijuana seeds is […]

Growing Marijuana in Containers
Growing marijuana in containers - featured image

Worried you have little knowledge about growing marijuana in containers? Don’t worry, as this article has all the answers you need. Containers provide a practical way to care for your weed plant. You have the advantage of cultivating in a small space. It’s also a more controlled growing method, because you’re operating from one pot. […]

How Long Does it Take Marijuana to Grow: A Seed-to-Harvest Timeline and Tips for Success
How long does it take marijuana to grow

How long does it take marijuana to grow? Cultivating your own stash is exhilarating. From the moment a seed sprouts to the first toke of your homegrown bud, nothing compares. The rewards are rich but require careful timing, effort, and patience. Some cannabis strains are harvest-ready in ten weeks, while others take up to eight […]

How to Grow Marijuana Indoors Without Smell | The Seed Fair
Grow Marijuana Indoors Without Smell

Do you want to learn how to grow marijuana indoors without smell? Marijuana’s pungent aroma is one of the challenges of cultivating it inside a building. As a grower, mastering odor-free cultivation is crucial. It allows you to grow weed plants without causing a nuisance and promotes the overall well-being of your crops. Ready to […]

Best Soil to Grow Marijuana
best soil to grow marijuana

Do you know what the best soil to grow marijuana is? Or how it can ensure a stash of resinous, flavorful buds? Soil houses your plants, and its quality translates into harvest size and stickiness. Picking the right type is one of the cornerstones of successful cannabis cultivation. Join us to learn everything about soil […]

Growing Marijuana Indoors: A Foolproof Guide
Growing Marijuana Indoors

Welcome to growing marijuana indoors: a foolproof guide! Take your seats as we break down all the intricate details you should know. Our guide covers the required equipment and explores the various growth stages. Find out how to troubleshoot common issues and discover what the law says about indoor cultivation. Let’s start. Understanding the cannabis […]

Temperature to Grow Marijuana
Marijuana plants growing under full spectrum LED lights

Are you curious about the best temperature to grow marijuana? Our guide provides comprehensive knowledge for cultivators seeking a perfect harvest. Temperature is a key factor in growing cannabis. It influences all aspects of a plant’s development. Ensuring your crop doesn’t get too hot or cold is essential for success. Ready to master environmental conditions […]

Marijuana Grow Tents
marijuana grow tents

Marijuana grow tents are essential tools for cultivating marijuana indoors. They provide an array of benefits to both growers and plants. Cultivating cannabis indoors requires an ideal environment. Grow tents help you optimize the growing conditions to suit your crops. What are the benefits of using a cannabis grow tent? Are there factors to consider […]