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Cannabis Wind Burn And How To Avoid It

Cannabis Wind Burn And How To Avoid It | The Seed Fair Guide | The Seed Fair

While growing cannabis plants is straightforward in a controlled environment, risks are still involved. Apart from watching the moisture levels in the soil and the air, the airflow must also be controlled to avoid cannabis wind burn.

The presence of even a slight breeze might be advantageous and result in good yields of buds. However, the cannabis plant can become stressed from too much wind, leading to undesirable results.

It’s essential to do your research beforehand and know about all the risks involved in the cannabis plant while it’s growing. Cannabis wind burn is a condition that can be skipped with the proper conditions.

What is wind burn cannabis?

Wind-burned cannabis is more common among new indoor cannabis growers. Fans are required to provide constant air circulation. Having these fans too close to your cannabis plants or strong wind speed can damage cannabis plant leaves.

Excessive airflow may induce excessive evaporation, resulting in your cannabis plant losing more water than it can absorb. Plants that become dry don’t have as many nutrients, and the leaves can become damaged.

What does wind burn look like on weed plants?

When you notice your plant’s leaves have brown or bronze spots or the leaves are curling, you need to do some detective work to find out what the problem can be. Nitrogen toxicity is a big concern for more growers, but if your levels are within range, you may need to consider wind burn.

You are likely dealing with wind burn if the cannabis plants closer to the fans have been damaged, but the ones further away have not been impacted. Most of the time, the symptoms of wind burn can be seen on the leaf of your marijuana plants.

What does wind burn look like on weed plants? | The Seed Fair

Clawed leaves

The tips of leaves that curl under to form claws are known as clawed leaves. Your cannabis plant will do this in response to a wind that is too powerful to protect its leaves from being harmed any further.

Burn marks

When your leaves are severely dehydrated due to severe wind burn, you will notice that the edges have been burned or have turned brown along the edges.

Stunted growth

Keep an eye out for plants leaning over because broken leaves can stunt growth. Cannabis plants that have been damaged by wind may not be as healthy and may produce less.

Spots on leaves

These spots, caused by wind burn, may give the appearance of an insect infestation.

Twisted leaves

When under pressure, the form of leaves can appear to be twisted. Although it is possible that this is not a wind burn, you should investigate other possible causes to rule them out before moving on.

Does a cannabis plant need wind? | The Seed Fair

Does a cannabis plant need wind?

When growing indoor cannabis plants, you need to replicate outdoor weather conditions for them to grow best. It needs sunlight, water, and sufficient airflow.

A cannabis plant receives a multitude of benefits from air movement. Strong winds that make the plant sway and bend result in beneficial micro-injuries in the plant’s stem and stalks. In response, the plant grows more rapidly and becomes more robust due to forming new tissue that serves as reinforcement.

Having too much wind can lead to some significant issues. Strong winds can break plant stems and cause damage to the plant’s leaves, but continuous breezes can actually “burn” plant tissue.

How to get rid of wind burn on cannabis plants?

It is impossible to save the leaf edges after they have been damaged; they cannot be repaired. Removing those leaves and adjusting your setup to avoid wind burn problems is best.

If a cannabis plant has wind-burned leaves, it may try to repair the damage by delivering nutrients to the area, but this may not be enough to bring it back.

how to prevent cannabis wind burn? | The Seed Fair

How to prevent cannabis wind burn?

  1. Put your fans at the opposite corners of your grow tent to face the other wall. This will help to circulate air without blowing on your plants.
  2. If you are using oscillating fans, you can keep them a safe distance away from the cannabis plant so that the airflow is directed toward your plants and avoids the possibility of wind damage.
  3. Check your growing space for any areas where you feel stagnant air or there is no proper air ventilation, and make any required adjustments to your fans.
  4. Avoid pointing your fans to seedlings and clones, as they are very young and fragile.
  5. Prune your cannabis plants off any wind burned leaves. This allows the chance for new growth

You can always talk to the specialists at The Seed Fair if you ever feel overwhelmed by your growing space. They are available around the clock to answer any queries regarding your seeds, grow space, or plants. You can get assistance from their expert personnel in cultivating healthy buds.


How to deal with wind burn on cannabis plants?

There is no effective windburn treatment once the damage has been done. If the damage is mild, the plant may try to revive itself with additional nutrients but cannot bring an entire cannabis plant back.

It is in the best interest of the cannabis plant to perform some light pruning, remove any diseased leaves, and provide the plant with some additional TLC.

How to reduce the air current in my outdoor garden?

Investing in screens, mesh, or netting to create the necessary windbreak for your plants is something you should consider doing if you are growing your plants outside and want to prevent wind burn.

Instead of worrying about the air blowing outside, you may focus on regulating the air blowing inside the space if you are fortunate enough to have a greenhouse. Fans can be used to duplicate the ideal air flow.

Because seedlings are very fragile initially, if you can find a sheltered area outside to start their growth, they have a better chance of survival. If you have the room, they should be started indoors.

How to understand that there is too much wind in the garden?

Winds of more than 30 miles per hour are responsible for most damage. Strong winds can rip the leaves off of plants, tear the blooms, break branches, and even uproot cannabis, leaving the plants vulnerable to further harm.

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