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How To Make a Homemade Spider Mite Spray

How To Make a Homemade Spider Mite Spray | Protecting Your Harvest | The Seed Fair

As delightful as cannabis, they are not susceptible to attacks from creatures other than humans who have taken pleasure in unearthing this great plant. When plants are grown, whether indoor or outdoor, insect attacks are things you cannot avoid, especially from spider mites. Learning how to produce a homemade spider mite spray, will prepare you for spider mite attacks and preserve your cannabis.

The pleasing and inviting aroma of marijuana is one thing that draws pests to it, and they concentrate on the buds, which have the cherished resin plants. A Homemade spider mite spray will help take care of all these.

Keeping spider mites and other pests are important ways of caring for your plants, if not spider mites will destroy your harvest and leave you with nothing. To help you on this phase and your weed growing journey, we have detailed information on spider mites, the insect that invades your cannabis plant, and how you can curb this assault with a homemade spider mite spray.


What are spider mites?

Spider mites are tiny creatures that cause havoc to your plants, they have a red, green, and yellow appearance, and they attack your plant’s buds. They are deemed to be arachnids other than insects and placed in the same category as scorpions, spiders, and ticks.

The adult spider mites are noticeable by their brown and reddish color and are mostly pale or oval. They are as tiny as a pencil that is sharped, a fact that makes them almost invisible. They usually build a house just beneath your plant leaves and you can have thousands of mites living there. A light dot is a sign they leave on your plants, as a mark of their invasion, your leaves will turn yellow and dull later on after their invasion.

They suck your plants, tearing the plant to get chlorophyll, they survive dry conditions and are there with you if you are harvesting indoors. They use webs that are usually invisible to spread their tents over the area, these webs are usually invisible to the eyes.


Indications of spider mite attacks

Attacks from spider mites are noticed with the presence of apparent signs to this effect, these signs are best seen when you carefully examine and monitor your plant, the signs are:


  • Sun burning and low yield
  • Tiny brown, dry holes under the leaves
  • Spider Webs on your plant leaves
  • Raid on your beans and food stores


Species of spider mites

Spider mites vary this depending on their feeding pattern, to identify the exact insect that feeds on your plant, here is a list of spider mites and their unique traits that set them apart.


  • Spider mites – these species eat plants, they don’t bite humans
  • Bird/rodent mites – this species causes damage to people and usually causes diseases.
  • Clover mites – this species eats grass and cannot cause harm to humans or animals
  • Velvet mites – velvet mites don’t cause harm to humans


How to produce your homemade spider mite spray?

Spider mites just like other mites are harmful to your crops, producing your spider mite spray will do you a deal of good. To help you achieve this goal, here is our guide that will help you do away with severe harm to your crops.


1. Insecticide spray soap:

This is the easiest spray you can make and it completely keeps spider mites away, it as well helps to restore the spots that these spider mites leave on your plants. It works by causing suffocation to the attacking spider mites.

List of ingredients: dish soap, spray bottle, water, and jug.

Steps to produce your insecticide spray soap

Step 1 – add 4 cups of water to your teaspoon of dish soap, you can increase this deepening on the quantity of spray you need.

Step 2 – get the mixture you just produced in step 1 above into your spray bottle

Step 3 – apply the spray you have now produced to the areas the mites had damaged and allow it to stay for up to 3 hours

Step 4 – After step 3 above, wipe the spray off the leaves, do this at least once a week, until your plants are perfectly cleaned up.


2. Neem oil

This oil is a simple, yet effective spray for destroying all types of cannabis pests, it also helps your crops heal fast.

List of Ingredients: Neem oil, a spray bottle, and water.


Use the spray bottle to apply this spray to your plants, and you are good. The oil comes in various forms like cinnamon, lemon, peppermint, and eucalyptus oil.


3. Garlic spray

This is a natural spray that is extremely effective in hitting spider mites with a heavy hit, the ingredients needed to make this work are largely available in every kitchen and home.

List of Ingredients: a spray bottle, a container that has a lid, clove of garlic, water, and whisk. Others include blender and strainer.



Step 1: Begin by mixing water and garlic, preferably two cups of water will do.

Step 2: Remove your mixture from your blender and mix it with your hands, until you are satisfied with the smooth form.

Step 3: Get your mixture transferred to your container and get the lid on. Ensure you store the mixture for a period of 24hours.

Step 4: Once your mixture is cooled, use a strainer to strain it, add more water at this point to properly dilute your mixture.

Step 5: The next step is to get your mixture into your spray bottle, while you get ready to go to work. For best results here, ensure you spread the insecticide soap to the leaves before you spray them with garlic spray.


4. Rosemary oil

For instant effects when it comes to killing spider mites, rosemary oil is the best pick. The effects are instant, attacking the nervous system of the mites, the oil also helps with the prevention of spider mites.

List of Ingredients: spray bottle, clove, water, and rosemary oil. Others include thyme and peppermint.


Step 1: Start by combining peppermint, thyme, clove, rosemary oil, and water to get a perfect mixture.

Step 2:  Get the mixture produced in step 1 into your spray bottle and apply the spray to your crops to see it work.


Additional ways to kill spider mites

Aside from homemade spider mites spray, there exist other alternatives that are easy to find, and effective when used, some of these alternatives include:

Feeding your plants with adequate water, spider mites thrive better in dry and warm areas, if your plants are always moist, it will make living inhabitable for your spider mites. Use a garden hose to get the best out of this condition, also ensure that your crops are clean and healthy.

You can also use predatory mites to guard against spider mites. These predatory mites will kill and eat spider mites, they are natural and often called phytoseiulius persimilis. They can eat as many as 5 spider mites a day, which will amount to a great number depending on how many you have got. Other than spider mites, they can eat any mites found in your garden, the only downside here is that they are applicable only for outdoor growing.



Cultivating cannabis is a challenging as well as a rewarding experience, a cannabis lover will do whatever it takes to maintain the best conditions for his plant. Spider mites are one of the dangers a cannabis grower faces and learning how to deal with them is an essential part of successful cannabis farming. Knowing how to make your spider mite spray is essential so you can preserve your plant buds, try out the steps in this article and see how healthy your crops will turn out.

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