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How To Grow Weed Outdoors Step By Step

How To Grow Weed Outdoors Step By Step | Our Guide | The Seed Fair

Growing weed can be done indoors or outdoors. Different reasons make most weed growers choose the outdoor option. Setting up a weed garden in your backyard is very different from preparing one indoors.  Weed growing requires some processes and it is good to know them before starting. Get good advice from other weed growers, on the internet or in your communities. This article will be a guide to help you grow weed outdoors step by step.


Benefits of growing cannabis outdoors

Outdoor weed cultivation strains you less financially, compared to growing indoors which is more expensive. In outdoor growing you spend less because there will be no need for carbon filters and other indoor supplies. Also there is no need to buy a growing light bulb, because the sun  provides you enough energy.

Growing outdoors gives the marijuana plants enough space to grow and attain high quality. It also gives the weed plant a unique scent and relish. In all, outdoor provides land area for bigger plants and larger harvest of healthy plants, this is why it is most preferred by weed growers.


Preparations for outdoor weed growing

Similar to indoor growing, you need to prepare your garden before planting the seeds. There are few things to keep in mind when growing weed outdoors.

Whether you grow indoor or outdoor you must prepare your growing area before putting the seed in the ground. Though some things should be learnt before starting the outdoor weed growing process, they are:


  • Using seeds and clones
  • Planning the growth of the plant
  • Getting a good soil
  • Picking the best site outdoor growing
  • Protecting plants from pests, bad weather, and animals
  • Have a good bag or container


Using seeds or clones

There are so many options available when buying seeds to grow marijuana. There are seeds and there are clones, you can choose between both the ones you prefer to grow with.  Some of the seeds include feminized seeds, regular seeds, auto flower seeds, etc. When making this choice you should know that plants grown with seeds are stronger in dealing with plant disease and can even resist them.

Feminized seeds have a larger growth and are not easily polluted. Regular seeds give a distinct strain when planted. Auto flower seeds are smaller in size but grow a bit faster than all others. Marijuana plants grown with seeds are quite fragile at the newly planted phase, you will have to take extra care of it so it does not die.

If you do not like seeds you can go for clones, after all, they are branches from marijuana and are good with sunlight. It is best for someone learning the outdoor weed growing process as it has a good root system for planting. You must plant clones as soon as you buy them so they do not go bad.


Planning the growth of the plant

It is necessary to plan when you want to grow your plants. Each part of the country may be different, and factors like altitude and snow levels can influence the time of planting. The best time to grow marijuana outdoors is anywhere between late April and the middle of May.

This is seen as the best time for planting weed because if done earlier the plants will be affected by the cold weather, if done later, there will not be enough time for the plant to mature. As the seasons change so does the sun cycle, and most strains depend on the cycle to grow flowers.

Marijuana plants fully mature in about 3 – 8months, therefore planting early will give you a good time to allow it to grow in its stages. Harvest time can begin in September or November. You should buy weed seeds weeks before planting season and develop them.


Getting a good soil

There are different kinds of soil to use for weed planting, they must consist of three major components, sand clay, and slit. These components might differ in levels. You can purchase soil from a store or use the native soil if you choose.

When a soil has more slits, it grows plants better, though the drainage poses some stress, silt soil preserves water and has plenty of nutrients. Sandy soil also has some, it has high levels of oxygen but low pH and other nutrients, only they can be washed away easily, especially if the sand is much.

Clay soil retains water, has high pH levels, it is good for plant stabilization however, it cannot hold oxygen well enough. Weed farmers often go for loamy soil, it is a mix of 20 percent clay, 40 percent sand, and 40 percent slit.

Though loam soil is expensive to mix, it is an all-in-one soil and has many benefits, it retains water and has easy drainage. It also has high oxygen levels.


Picking the best site for how to grow weed outdoors

Getting a good site for planting marijuana and soil with a pH ranging from 5.5-6.5, might be challenging and the weather of the area matters much. The area temp should be below 85⁰ but not below 60⁰. It should be breezy to allow plants to receive good air, but not very windy. Marijuana is quite good in adapting to different habitats, however, its exposure to much rain can cause damage.

Plants need to get direct light from the sun, therefore remove anything that hinders direct sunlight from touching them. Plant it at a good spot facing the sun’s archway.

Your backyard can be a great area to pick if you are learning how outdoor weed is grown. If you live in an apartment without a backyard you can plant it in a soil pot on your balcony. Some weed growers who can afford it grow weed on the roof deck so it gets unrestricted light from the sun. Another option is forest weed planting, however, you will have to use a premade soil so you are sure it is good.


Protecting plants from pests, bad weather, and animals

Pest, bad weather, and animals are usually a problem in outdoor planting. To deal with bad weather you should tie plants to a post or stick, it prevents leaves from falling off during windy days. If there is rain forecasted on any day, cover the plants with plastic covers or canvas and if rain touches the plants simply shake them to get water off and separate them so they dry easily.

For pests like moles, you can set nets or a trap and place them under the ground. For gophers, you can put cages underground however, castor oil works best. Simply pour it down their holes to fend them off. This method – castor oil, can also work on pests like raccoons.

Major pests in outdoor weed planting are bugs and ladybugs are the worst. It’s quite hard to deal with them however, there are a few ways. You can build a good fence so the bugs can’t get in, or use insecticides – oil-based, or repellants to chase them away.


Have a good bag or container

Planting in the ground has been a popular choice for weed growers, always test the soil to ensure it is appropriate to plant. Some people however use different mediums like containers to grow weed. Planting in the ground is however the best option as it provides the plant enough space to grow larger.

A good medium for outdoor planting pots, you can use them to plant weed. It has the advantage of convenience so you can move them around and protect the plants from windy weather or rain. Pots are quite expensive especially clay pots and may retain much heat, however, fabric pots are cheaper and provide better water drainage.

Grow bags can also be used to put soil, so yes they can be used to plant weed. They are more affordable than pots and can last long. Bags can also be used several times for outdoor marijuana planting. Though unlike pots they are not moveable and might get torn with time.


How to grow weed outdoors: Beginners guide

Below is a guide for beginners to learn the step-by-step procedures in growing marijuana outdoors. This will help you cultivate healthy weeds of good quality. Here are the steps:


  • Seed germination
  • Seed planting
  • Care for your cannabis
  • The right time to harvest
  • Dry and cure the harvest


Seed germination

To germinate your cannabis seed you need three major things, asides from your seeds, of course, is water, some warmth, and a little patience. The type of seed and the method you use determines the duration of seed germination. When seeds have a hard coating they don’t germinate as quickly as others.

Using a wet paper towel is a good way to germinate seeds. Damp the paper towel and put it on a plate. Take note that permeable brands might hurt the roots of the plant.

Another method is soaking seeds in water at night and removing them the next morning. Then look for those that have roots and keep them in a moist area. An easier way is to dig a little hole in the ground and put the seed, after a few days it will germinate.


Seed planting

After seed germination comes planting. Marijuana seed planting is not as complicated as germinating it. All you need to do is make a small hole in the ground, soil pot, or bag and put the cannabis seed. Tweezers can be used to move seeds with sprouts. The seed needs oxygen so ensure the soil in any medium you choose is not compact.

Always water the soil and check to ensure it is moist at all times. Keep the seeds safe from birds as they may eat them. With the right care, the seed will soon grow above the soil.


Care for your cannabis

When the plans begin to grow to reduce the water applied, cannabis does not need it much. The plant needs good nutrients so you should provide it with good soil. The process gets easier as it grows, you begin to understand the conditions that suit the cannabis better.

Good nutritious soil for cannabis should contain potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen, magnesium, sulfur, and calcium. This is the essential need of the cannabis plants, and as they grow it weakens the soil, so make sure you give it a good amount of organic fertilizer.

As the plant grows the number of nutrients it needs will change so find out which is lacking and supply more. Its growth also changes its need for water.


Right time to harvest

The reward of every planting season is the harvest. Cannabis should be harvested at the right time so it is of the best quality. To know the right time use the pistils. They are white hairballs in the bud of a flowering cannabis plant.

Their original color is white but when they become brown and begin to dry up the plant is getting ripe and ready for harvest. When 70 percent of pistils turn brown, the weed’s potency is at its peak. At this time gather cannabis growing supplies and get it prepared.

Depending on the size, you can remove the branches or the main stem first. Gather all branches and hang with a clothesline or string, then leaves that come up the bud should be carefully cut. Cut them very closely.


Dry and cure harvest

Finally, you dry and cure your harvest. Let air circulate them, you can hang them upside down while the buds are on the branches. Weed growers often use drying nets and ropes to dry weed.

The drying process can take about two weeks in a dark environment with low humidity, however, this largely depends on the branch width as bigger branches take a longer time. During this process, the cannabis will lose weight and will no longer be green in color.

Curing the dried weed requires the use of air-tight cans or containers. Most weed growers use well-closed glass jars to prevent any air from going in. To get the good quality leave enclosed for a month or a year for the best.


You are now ready on how to grow weed outdoors

Outdoor cannabis planting is way better than indoors and has so many benefits, and now that you know how it’s done, you can start to grow your cannabis in the right soil and area. Growing cannabis is not so difficult, though it needs good care and time, if you follow the tips stated above you will harvest good weed from your outdoor marijuana plant in due time. Take advantage of our best seeds online at The Seed Fair.

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