Cannabis Grower and writer

Deborah Agboola

Deborah is a cannabis cultivator with a penchant for penning her experiences in the field. A true connoisseur of the plant, Deborah has cultivated numerous cannabis strains, from classics like OG Kush to experimenting with exotic varieties such as Black Truffle and Pink Rosay – her expertise in cannabis cultivation runs deep. Deborah’s dedication to the craft and her commitment to the cannabis community shine through in her writing, where she offers valuable advice, cultivar reviews, and engaging narratives drawn from her own cultivation adventures.

Do Autoflowers Produce Seeds?
do autoflowers produce seeds

Yes, autoflowers produce seeds just like regular photoperiod cannabis plants. The fast-growing variety is really no different from regular cannabis plants with gender expression. They are available in male, female, and even feminized autoflower seed forms. So, unless you grow feminized autoflower seeds, the female autoflower plants will sprout alongside viable male autoflower plants, become […]

Best Feminized Seeds For Growing Outdoors In Your Climate
best feminized seeds for growing outdoors

The best feminized seed for outdoor growing in your climate would need to be that seed that responds well to the local conditions of your climate. While some cannabis growers prefer to grow feminized seeds indoors, growing the right feminized seeds outdoors (in the right climate) could lead you to several opportunities and rewards you […]

How to grow feminized seeds indoors: pointers and techniques

Almost everyone knows what feminized seeds are. In fact, some growers no longer buy feminized seeds; they make feminized seeds from scratch themselves. For many growers, feminized seeds are the seeds you want to grow to get a full canopy of cannabinoid-rich buds. Check out our poll where we asked 500 growers why they choose […]

The Best Time to Harvest Autoflowers
know when to harvest your autoflower

There is a best time to harvest autoflowers; the moment right between when your yields peak and when quality starts to decline. Because autoflowers are quick-growing cannabis cultivars, you need to understand autoflower growth stages week-by-week to accurately determine when harvest time is near and the best time to harvest autoflowers. I’d like to share […]

Best Pot Size For Growing Autoflowers
The best pot size for autoflowers

Choosing the right pot size for autoflowers is like preparing for a competition. Your pot size determines how well your autoflower seeds will grow and the quality of your autoflower yields. Although there are several pot sizes used in general and even cannabis cultivation, autoflower growers have settled on the small pot size range of […]

Low-Stress Training (LST) Autoflowering Cannabis: When to Start, When to Stop, and How to Do
Lst for autoflowers

Some say plant training isn’t for autoflowers. But we say, “LST can do your autoflowers a lot of good.” Autoflowers are definitely more prone to self-destructing when stressed, which is why growers avoid plant training autoflowers. But plant training doesn’t have to be stressful. Plant training methods like LST (low stress training) can improve your […]

How to Make Feminized Seeds with Aspirin: DIY Solution Easy At Home
using aspirin for feminized seeds

You can make feminized seeds with aspirin right in your home. According to cannabis growers who are familiar with this seed feminization technique, the aspirin method of making feminized seed is less expensive, simple, and suitable for both small-scale and large-scale grows. The Seed Fair conducted a study, surveying 500 growers to understand their motivations […]

How Much Yield Does an Autoflower Produce?
how much yields an autoflower produce

Some autoflowers can produce yields some photoperiod cannabis can only dream of achieving.  “How much does an autoflower yield?” is a question that comes up literally almost every season. Autoflowers are really popular for their typically small yields. But, sometimes, we see outliers; those autoflowers that produce yields even some photoperiod cultivars can only dream […]

How To Defoliate Autoflowers And Not Ruin Your Harvest
defoliating autoflowers

Defoliating autoflowers is a solid way to get bigger buds from cannabis autoflowers when done the right way.  Defoliating autoflowers seems counterproductive because it involves trimming, which can be stressful, and autoflowers are stress-sensitive cultivars. But defoliating autoflowers can be very helpful for getting bigger yields for autoflowers. You can defoliate autoflowers without ruining your […]

The Life Cycle of Autoflowering Cannabis
autoflower timeline

Knowing how to properly nurture and care for your autoflowering seeds requires understanding the life cycle of autoflowering cannabis week-by-week. Autoflowering cannabis seeds are fast growing cultivars. Comparing their sometimes 8-week long growth cycle with the 32-week long growth cycle of some photoperiod strains could lead to poorly developed bud yields. There are suitable practices […]

Male Vs Female Weed Plants: All About Cannabis Genders
What is the Difference Between Male and Female Marijuana | The Seed Fair

You can’t identify cannabis gender by seed appearance. But you can spot cannabis gender way before flowering; before pollination begins. Your cannabis gender is determined and finalized by more than its genetics. As a mindful cannabis grower, you want to know how to confirm your cannabis plant is still your desired cannabis gender early enough […]

Cloning autoflowers: Good or Bad Idea?
Cloning autoflowers

Cloning autoflowers might have some advantages. But do they outweigh its challenges?  Sure, you can clone autoflowers. Cloning autoflowers might have some advantages. But, considering its entirety, is cloning autoflowers really worth your while? In this article, we explore some reasons why cloning cannabis is a super idea but probably not the best one for […]

How to Maximize Autoflower Yields And Get Bigger Buds
maximize autoflower yields

Autoflowers grow really fast but their relatively small yield is causing quite the headache for many growers. It’s almost like “you can’t have it all” with this seed genetics; but you can! There are more stories of growers harvesting over 200 grams per autoflower with each grow season. What are they doing differently? Their cultivation. […]