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Ten Best Organic Fertilizer For Marijuana

Ten Best Organic Fertilizer For Marijuana | Our Guide | The Seed Fair

No successful marijuana season is planned without the intention of adding supplements at any time during the growing season. This is because the addition of these supplements is necessary to ensure the proper growth of the plants while also ensuring high yields. Normally, most growers would just go for synthetic products. However (life hack); there are natural solutions that you can make with the same benefits.  Our article will go over the ten best organic fertilizer for marijuana.

This article discloses the top 10 organic fertilizers applicable to marijuana that guarantee a high yield. It also discloses the nutrients provided by all recommended by each by-product and their importance to the plant. Let’s go!


Advantages of organic fertilizers

Before listing out these organic fertilizers, it is important to understand what benefits a grower gains from choosing organic fertilizers over chemicals.

The simplest of these benefits is that its nutrients are used up more slowly than their chemical counterparts. This then protects your plants from potential overfeeding which is dangerous to the health of the plant. This benefit would be of immense help to beginners.

The second advantage is the cost. Organic materials which are used as fertilizers are way cheaper than processed industrial fertilizers. What’s more? They are easily sourced at home and are a great way of recycling as it turns the grower’s waste into profitable materials.

There is also the benefit of a balanced ecosystem as the organic fertilizer attracts and enables the growth of the right kind of microorganisms which in turn helps the plant to flourish better through the various stages of growth and in the end, guarantee a higher yield.


Top 10 best organic fertilizer for marijuana cultivation

There are millions of the best organic fertilizer for marijuana available for cannabis growers. These can be sourced from stores and especially at home. The following 10 are some of the most tested and trusted:

Bone Meal


This fertilizer is tested and is a trusted fertilizer for marijuana during the flowering stage. It is obtained from grinding animal bones. No special bones are needed, but cow bones are recommended. After grinding, the mash should be mixed with the soil. The bone meal is an excellent source of phosphorus.

Phosphorus is essential for strong plant stems. Strong stems are important as the stems carry the weight of the buds which would be produced in the flowering stage. It also has the added advantage of making plants more disease-resistant.


Kelp Meal

This fertilizer has all its makeup from the sea. Kelp meal is obtained from grinding dry seaweed and algae. This powder can then be sprinkled at the base of the plant at any stage in its growth. This is because it has nutrients that are important for all stages of the plant’s life.

It is a wonderful source of potassium for the marijuana plant, therefore, making it ideal for application during the flowering phase. It is a highly recommended fertilizer for growers of feminized grapefruit strains of marijuana. It is also essential for growers in colder regions because it helps plants to become frost-resistant.


Wood Ash

When in need of supplementary potassium, wood ash is a rich, easy source of vitamins. So, whether after a barbecue or having burnt up some wood in the neighborhood, the grower will always have fertilizers on standby. Ash can then be sprinkled on the plants in small quantities or mixed with other organic materials for future use.

This is a well-known fertilizer because its potassium content makes it great for plant development during the early stages through the vegetative stage. It also helps plants to improve their water efficiency.


Blood Meal

As suggested by the name, this fertilizer is gotten from dry animal blood which has been ground into powder. It is a great source of nitrogen for the soil, especially during the vegetative stage.

It is also known for its ability to help plants increase their resistance to frost and pests. For growers who have pets like dogs, fences are needed around the plant when blood meals are applied because dogs will dig up the soil due to the smell of the blood.


Fish Meal

For the proper growth and development of a marijuana plant, nitrogen is an essential nutrient. Thankfully, fish provides this nutrient in good quantity. Seeing as the fish meal is fishing’s by-product, it is easy to source as it is available all year round.

Aside from being a wonderful fertilizer for marijuana during the flowering stage, it helps the plant photosynthesize. As a thumb rule, caution should be applied when applying the fish meal as excessive use of it could cause burns and stunt growth.


Bat Guano

Since the nineteenth century, accumulated excrement of seabirds and bats have been used as manure. This is known as guano. This organic fertilizer is a great source of nutrients such as nitrogen, potassium and phosphate. It helps in improving soil quality, plant growth, soil drainage and works well with feminized afghan seeds.


Chicken Manure

Chicken shit is a well-known fertilizer for marijuana. Like guano, it is a wonderful source of phosphorus, potassium, and nitrogen. It has an advantage over chemical fertilizers because it releases the nutrients contained slowly allowing the plants to stay healthy and strong for a longer period without having to add more nutrients.

Because of its high nitrous content, it is best to add this to a compost heap than to apply it directly as this could lead to plant burns. This fertilizer is great for usage with feminized skunk seed.


Dolomite Lime

This fertilizer is best used after soil acidity level has been tested as its best use is in the correction of pH level of soils. Apart from soil acidity correction, it is also a great source of magnesium and calcium which are necessary for the growth of healthy and strong plants.

Since lime takes time to dissolve, it is advisable to add it to the soil prior to planting. Four weeks is a recommended time frame.



When careful thought is given, one would be surprised by how much excellent marijuana manure has been discarded cumulatively. Whether Bananas or their peels, leftover vegetables and fruits, even eggshells are a great source of manure when put together to form a compost heap. And not only will the practice of making one’s own compost heap be beneficial to the plants, it is also beneficial to the planet.


Epsom Salt

This is a wonderful fertilizer for marijuana during the flowering stage as it has the ability of dramatically increase the quality and quantity of buds. Apart from how easy it is to get, it is also a great source of sulfur and magnesium.

It is also water-soluble making it easy to apply to plants. Applying the solution to plants like 2 times a month to the feminized blue widow seeds aids them in producing vivid colors and dramatically increases their yield.


Creating liquid organic fertilizer for hydroponic farming

Using plant and animal by-products for the nourishment of weed plants is quite common and easy to do. What isn’t is getting the nutrients from these by-products into a state in which they are in liquid form and can be used in hydroponic farming. Not to worry, there’s a solution for water farmers too.

To get around this problem, the grower should make tea. To do this, the grower will have to put the by-products in a bucket bearing in mind his target nutrients. After this, he should then add water and allow the mixture to stand for some weeks.

Then, a piece of cloth should be used to filter out the solids and the solution poured into another bucket for safe keeping. This way, the grower would have arrived at an effective liquid organic fertilizer. Where by-products are in a liquid form already, they can be added to the final solution and applied to the plants.


Happy plants; Happy farmer

There are numerous fertilizer choices for a farmer to make – whether chemical or organic. Where a farm is set up for profit-making, being cost-effective, and knowing where to manage resources and use alternatives is a sure way of making wonderful profit. The best organic fertilizer for marijuana are one of such ways and while they demand extra work to have the in perfect applicable condition, the extra effort pays in great yields.

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