The Seed Fair

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Marijuana Education

Our Guide On Growing Weed In Closet | Everything You Need To Know
Our Guide On Growing Weed In Closet | Everything You Need To Know | The Seed Fair

Perhaps this idea seems silly, illogical, or even somewhat uncomfortable, but what would you think if we told you that you can grow your own marijuana in your closet, yes your closet! Many times in our gardens there is no space or the soil does not have the necessary conditions to grow it, so here […]

Sativa vs Indica Chart: Understanding the Key Differences Between These Two Types of Cannabis Strains
Indica vs Sativa Chart: An image depicting the key differences between Indica and Sativa strains of cannabis. The chart features an Indica plant on the left and a Sativa plant on the right, visually highlighting the contrasting plant structures.

What can you learn from a Sativa vs. Indica chart? Indica and Sativa are two of the most popular strains of cannabis, each with their unique characteristics and effects. Understanding the differences between the two can help you make informed decisions about which strain is right for you. In this blog post, we’ll explore the […]

What Are The Best Weed Strains To Grow In a Greenhouse
What Are The Best Strains To Grow In a Greenhouse | Growing Tips | The Seed Fair

Growing weed outdoors comes with its problems, having consideration for this before embarking on your greenhouse project will be the best thing to do. Issues such as unpredictable weather conditions, openness to pests and diseases, as well as marijuana theft, and dealing with noisy neighbors, including the issue of cross-pollination by insects, could combine to […]

How To Defoliate Autoflowers And Not Ruin Your Harvest
defoliating autoflowers

Defoliating autoflowers is a solid way to get bigger buds from cannabis autoflowers when done the right way.  Defoliating autoflowers seems counterproductive because it involves trimming, which can be stressful, and autoflowers are stress-sensitive cultivars. But defoliating autoflowers can be very helpful for getting bigger yields for autoflowers. You can defoliate autoflowers without ruining your […]

The Life Cycle of Autoflowering Cannabis
autoflower timeline

Knowing how to properly nurture and care for your autoflowering seeds requires understanding the life cycle of autoflowering cannabis week-by-week. Autoflowering cannabis seeds are fast growing cultivars. Comparing their sometimes 8-week long growth cycle with the 32-week long growth cycle of some photoperiod strains could lead to poorly developed bud yields. There are suitable practices […]

Growing Weed In Apartment | The Best Advice For All Growers
Growing Weed In Apartment | The Best Advice For All Growers | The Seed Fair

Despite living in urban settlements, you can still get your hands a little dirty with some weed cultivation. The population there makes your housing options likely to be either an apartment or a flat and yeah, it doesn’t come with much space to cultivate a weed garden, but notwithstanding, you too can grow your weed […]

Everything You Need To Know About How Hard It Is To Grow Weed
How Hard Is It To Grow Weed | Everything You Need To Know | The Seed Fair

It isn’t very difficult to grow your marijuana. It is “weed” after all and given the right circumstances, weed will grow like what it is – a weed. However, to grow good quality cannabis that can be smoked will require different conditions from growing weed with high compositions of the THC cannabinoid. Your starting point […]

Male Vs Female Weed Plants: All About Cannabis Genders
What is the Difference Between Male and Female Marijuana | The Seed Fair

You can’t identify cannabis gender by seed appearance. But you can spot cannabis gender way before flowering; before pollination begins. Your cannabis gender is determined and finalized by more than its genetics. As a mindful cannabis grower, you want to know how to confirm your cannabis plant is still your desired cannabis gender early enough […]

How To Grow Weed Outdoors Step By Step
How To Grow Weed Outdoors Step By Step | Our Guide | The Seed Fair

Growing weed can be done indoors or outdoors. Different reasons make most weed growers choose the outdoor option. Setting up a weed garden in your backyard is very different from preparing one indoors.  Weed growing requires some processes and it is good to know them before starting. Get good advice from other weed growers, on […]

Germinating Weed Seeds In Water: A go-to guide
Germinating Weed Seeds In Water | Basic Germination Guide | The Seed Fair

Unlike some seeds that require a tactical approach at growing and tending them, cannabis seeds are easy to plant with just simple tools that you can easily find around your house and if not, they can be easily gotten at a convenience store or a store that stocks garden supplies and tools. They include: Cannabis […]

How Much Weed Does One Plant Produce
How Much Weed Does One Plant Produce | Our Guide On Cannabis | The Seed Fair

If you are a beginner growing marijuana, you have probably wondered, how much weed does one plant produce? One plant will produce approximately 907.2 grams (32oz) of wet marijuana. and about 181.4 grams (6.4oz) of dried marijuana. Still, the performance of each plant will be different. You can get a very small harvest or a […]

Cloning autoflowers: Good or Bad Idea?
Cloning autoflowers

Cloning autoflowers might have some advantages. But do they outweigh its challenges?  Sure, you can clone autoflowers. Cloning autoflowers might have some advantages. But, considering its entirety, is cloning autoflowers really worth your while? In this article, we explore some reasons why cloning cannabis is a super idea but probably not the best one for […]

How To Make Weed Grow Faster
How To Make Weed Grow Faster | Our Guide On Effective Growing Tips | The Seed Fair

Can you make cannabis grow faster? Well, yes, you can. It is an unavoidable fact that growing marijuana takes time. And more importantly, it is no secret that the product’s quality and strength depend heavily on the growth process you used. For example, growing indoors or outdoors can dictate quality as well as the time […]

How to Maximize Autoflower Yields And Get Bigger Buds
maximize autoflower yields

Autoflowers grow really fast but their relatively small yield is causing quite the headache for many growers. It’s almost like “you can’t have it all” with this seed genetics; but you can! There are more stories of growers harvesting over 200 grams per autoflower with each grow season. What are they doing differently? Their cultivation. […]

The Best Light Schedule For Autoflowers

Autoflowering seeds offer a wide range of cannabis genetics and no-fuss, worry-free transition from veg to flowering. The biggest variable with autoflowering is the size of the yield – and the right light schedule can help you increase your harvest. What’s the best light schedule for autoflowers? The 20/4 light cycle. When to put autoflowers […]